Member Directory

Alison Miller has lived in Plumstead for more than twenty years.

Spencer Drury was born in Woolwich and has lived in Eltham for 20 years. He's been a Conservative Councillor for Eltham North since 2002, is currently Leader of the Opposition on Greenwich Council and is standing for Parliament in Eltham in the 2015 General Election. Find out more at

Deborah O’Boyle is a Plumsteader, born and bred. She was educated locally at Timbercroft, Plumstead Manor and, as it was back then, Avery Hill College of Education.

Deborah worked for many years in international finance, before raising a family and returning to the realm of primary education. Her interests include local history and the local community and has taken on a variety of voluntary roles, including: Area Rep and New Mums’ Contact for the National Childbirth Trust, Chair of Governors and Chair of Finance at a local Primary School and an active role in its parents’ association and is currently a committee member for the Plumstead Make Merry. She is involved in the No to Gallions campaign and provided evidence to the inquiry into the East London River Crossing.

Politically, she leans left of centre.

Recovering cult escapee. Tread carefully.